
Product Designer

Far, far away, across a sea of words, there lives a product designer that never really knows what to say whenever he has to write a short description of himself.

Although words are difficult to summon at his command, he enjoys diving into rabbit holes of research. Fascinated by anything and everything technology, his fascination grows beyond mere understanding as he would randomly watch the satisfying process of how pencils are made from scratch.

Some say he's gone crazy. Others believe his love for technology has put him on a journey of understanding. He seeks to know how the technology works and how we can utilize it more efficiently to take it a step further than what it is today.

Tall tails say he once sat in a bus with an Arduino board, jumper cables connected to a breadboard flying as far as the eye can see, no one wished to sit next to him (it didn't help that he had the entire contraption in a picnic basket).

On his journey of seeking inner peace, you'll find him in a void of video games, comics, photography, film or anime when he's not scaring the entire bus with Arduino boards (legend says there's a scroll, hidden, with all the secrets to what could not be spoken of here today).

Projects & works I've been part of


Even Batman would be jealous.



"A UI without UX is like a painter slapping paint onto a canvas without thought,..."



"...while UX without UI is like the frame of a sculpture with no paper mache on it. A great product experience starts with UX followed by UI. Both are essential for the product’s success."



Grab a chair, and let's explore a rabbit hole of research. Be careful, though. I found myself watching videos on how pencils are made. Even Batman has to go on YouTube for tutorials.


User Testing

Testing your product or service is the best way to determine if it meets the needs and wants of your customers while keeping your business happy.



You never truly know the extent of your knowledge until you share it with others. As a mentor, I have the pleasure of imparting my knowledge and hope to expand my outreach through talks and articles.


What people say.

Blog Posts

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