Cross-Border Road Transport Agency (CBRTA)

Project Date Jul, 2023
Role Product Designer, Lead
Client CBRTA

The Cross-Border project was an online web service that offered businesses in the transport industry the convenience of applying for and acquiring road/travel permits for their vehicles. There were three distinct user types, and the services provided by Cross-Border were not limited to local but were open to international businesses as well.

As the design lead, I oversaw the design system process. Research and analysis preceded presenting solutions. I managed the design team to meet all business requirements.

To ensure that we were on track with our work plan, we conducted daily stand-ups and design workshops where we provided progress feedback. We then used this feedback to create wireframes before moving on to UI design.

The design team conducted a heuristic analysis, further strengthened by user research from workshops and interviews with users and the client.

To gather feedback on our prototype of the redesigned web solution, we conducted demo sessions where the design team presented the prototype to the rest of the team for general feedback before moving on to demo the solution to the client and users.